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Amazon Kills its AI-Powered ‘Just Walk Out’ Checkout Feature

About seven years ago, Amazon introduced ‘Just Walk Out,’ a grab-and-go checkout system that allows customers to walk into a store, grab an item, and walk out…

What does ‘publicly available’ training data mean to AI companies?

A few days ago, Google seemingly put out a warning to OpenAI, saying they’re not allowed to train their models on YouTube data.

30 Creative and Unique CSS Animation Examples to Inspire Your Own

Whether it’s making a button more clickable, adding some flair to a landing page, or entertaining a visitor while a page loads, CSS animations are an effective…

How to Download From GitHub: A Beginner’s Guide

GitHub is one of the largest developer resources and a must-know for aspiring web developers to explore and share projects online. Whether you are beginning to…

How They Work and What You Need to Know

In the interconnected world of software applications, sharing data between systems has become the cornerstone of functionality and service diversity. One key…

How To Update Node Versions Using Mac, Windows, and Linux

Node.js is one of the most popular JavaScript runtime environment platforms, allowing developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. Like any…

Our 22 Favorites for 2023

If you're building a travel website but need help figuring out where to begin, we've got you covered. You can get inspired as you create your site by checking…

The 5 Best Content Hub Themes For Beginners

Starting a website from scratch can be tough for a new developer. These themes from Content Hub are perfect for beginners who are just starting their foray into…

How to Add an Image & Background Image in HTML

Did you know that people remember only 20% of what they read but 80% of what they see? People learn and process information better visually — which is why using…

Our 20 Favorite Simple Website Examples

If you've ever wondered if it's possible to create a simple website that's visually engaging, we're here to tell you the answer is a resounding yes. By checking…

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